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Privacy and Cookie Policy

Blog post

1. Personal data collected when using the website https://undabot.com/

By using https://undabot.com/ various types of data are collected for the purpose of providing quality services, i.e., (a) the data collected from you, (b) the data collected on your use of the service, and (c) the data collected by any third parties.

The company Undabot d.o.o. (hereinafter “Undabot”) collects the data on your https://undabot.com/ website usage i.e. on the way and the purpose the website is used for. Such data are needed to ensure adequate and high quality performance of the website https://undabot.com/ to provide you with quality services as well as to be able to act in accordance with our legal obligations and our legitimate interests in providing and constantly improving our services.

Furthermore, Undabot may collect data on your geolocation. Such data may become available when you search and use the website https://undabot.com/ based on the IP address or GPS data on your device. Such data are used in order to improve and ensure the quality of our services. Undabot points out that your devices have the option to disable or limit sharing data about your location, which options you can freely use and limit the amount of personal data that you send. Therefore, it is recommended that you get the information about the privacy policies of the mobile and other applications you use through your device.

Our certain services, available through the web forms on our website https://undabot.com/, allow you to contact us directly with your query. With respect to such services, it is possible that we will require certain data about you to enable you to use such services and that Undabot, on the other hand, could act on your request. In such a situation, your personal data are mandatory since without them Undabot cannot act upon your request and will therefore display a form by which you shall certify and confirm that you are familiar with the privacy policy. For example, in such a situation you may be asked to provide your e-mail address, name, surname, mobile phone number, etc.

Also, if you submitted queries, requests and claims on the wrong web locations while completing the web forms on the https://undabot.com/ website, Undabot may use your personal data you provided us in order to identify you and contact you to process your query, request, claim, etc.

In addition to the personal data provided, it is possible that photos and videos of promotional events and various other events to which Undabot participates will be published on the https://undabot.com/ website, and on which photos and videos you may appear. Such photos and videos may be collected by Undabot on their own or by third parties, and reasonable steps will be taken so that those records be published with prior consent or adequate notice, when appropriate and necessary. However, if you happen to find that the https://undabot.com/ website contains photos or videos of you for which you have not been informed of for which you have not given you consent, please contact us with your reasonable requests to protect your identity in accordance with the applicable regulations.

Undabot takes the utmost care of the security of the personal data you provide us when using the https://undabot.com/ website. Therefore, the minimum amount of personal data is collected and used exclusively for those purposes it has been collected and you have been informed about. Likewise, your data shall not be disseminated to any third parties without you being informed and without your consent. Undabot shall always undertake to process and store your data only for as long as is necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or as required by a contract or applicable law. 

2. Use of cookies

The website https://undabot.com/ uses cookies. Cookies are small bits of data stored on your computer by the website you are visiting when browsing the Internet. Their purpose is to store your preferences and website settings by default, such as your preferred language or address. The Internet browsers send back any cookies belonging to a certain website when you visit it again.

Our website uses the so-called “technical cookies” and cookies stored by the Google Analytics platform. Technical cookies are cookies that are necessary for the proper functioning of any website and without which the website owners would not be able to display their content online. For this reason, Undabot is unable to suspend the use of technical cookies. However, Undabot does not perform any further processing of the information collected through technical cookies or use them for any analytical purposes.

For more information on the privacy policy of the Google Analytics platform and more information about the security and purpose of cookies collected through Google Analytics, please visit the following link: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=hr

When browsing the Internet, there are other types of cookies that may be used, as technology is constantly evolving.

Generally, the purpose of using cookies is to improve the functionality of the websites that uses them and to enable the website owners, Undabot being one them in relation to their website https://undabot.com/ to pursue their legitimate interests in ensuring the provision of the highest quality services to their customers and to constantly improve the services and your and other end user’s satisfaction.

However, Undabot specifically points out that cookies can be stored on your device only if you enable them.

Namely, any decent web browsing platform has the option to customize and change the settings from your side. You can also choose whether to approve or reject cookies requests. Likewise, better web search platforms have the option to delete already stored cookies, including the automatic deletion settings when closing the Internet browsers, etc. For more information on how to manage cookies, Undabot would like to recommend you to thoroughly review the functionality and terms of use of the web browsers on your devices.

Examples of such instructions can be found on the following links:

For more general information about cookies, you can refer to the following links:

3. The purposes of collecting personal data and people who have access to this data

Your data are collected and processed for the following purposes:

  • for your use of our services;
  • to provide services and to comply with your requests;
  • to improve our business and further develop the services provided to you;
  • to evaluate and analyse activities on this website, our market, users, products and services;
  • to communicate with you;
  • to analyse the ways in which customers (including you) use our services and contents in order to improve them and to develop new products and services better tailored to our customers’ needs;
  • for other purposes with your consent.

Your data shall not be disclosed to the public. We take special care of who we share your data with and will not disclose them to third parties for their own independent marketing or business purposes without your consent. In case of data transfer, we shall take all measures to protect them and, if possible, necessary and reasonable, we shall pseudonymize or otherwise hamper their connection with you, and in exceptional circumstances, we shall endeavour to fully anonymize your data where we estimate that there is a risk related to preserving your rights.

Disclosure of your information is possible to entities that have a direct business relationship with Undabot and which are an integral part of the Undabot’s operations. Furthermore, sharing your data is possible with trusted and secure business partners whose services and products are an integral part of the services provided by Undabot.

Such business partners are the partners that Undabot has concluded contracts with for the purpose of fulfilling program maintenance obligations, accounting services, etc. Again, your security is always our priority. We may also disclose your data to our business partners who provide services on our behalf, such as companies that assist us in billing. These entities’ use of your data shall be limited only to the services they provide to us.

If it were determined by law or a decision of an administrative or judicial body, the data may be disclosed to the competent authorities and other parties:

  • in order to comply with the law or to respond to mandatory legal proceedings (such as search warrants or other court orders);
  • in order to verify or comply with the rules governing our services;
  • in order to protect our users’ and customers’ rights, property or safety as well as those of the company Undabot itself.

In certain situations, Undabot may transfer your data outside the Republic of Croatia for further processing, to affiliated companies and contractual partners. Keep in mind that data protection laws and other laws in the countries where your data could be transmitted may not be as comprehensive as those in your country. Such processing is carried out exclusively for the needs of Undabot and all reasonable measures shall be taken to ensure that all third party unauthorized persons are completely denied the access to such processing and processing results.

4. Safety precautions and risks of using the Internet

For transfers beyond legitimate interests of Undabot and which, by their very nature, do not fall under regular transfers and are not necessary for Undabot to ensure security and a high level of service delivery, your consent shall be requested.

Undabot uses and improves your personal data collection and processing system on a regular basis, all to ensure the compliance with the legal regulations and, of course, your security. In doing so, reasonable physical and technical data protection measures are used and efforts are made to follow the technical achievements and guidelines of the personal data authorities, both at the level of the Republic of Croatia and at EU level.

However, Undabot must emphasize that due to the rapid development of technology, every Internet system user must be aware that no system is completely secure and that it is not possible to predict objectively all the risks that may arise from using the Internet. Undabot has no impact on the shortcomings of the services provided by third parties, which are necessary for the existence of this website. Unauthorized attacks on this website and on Undabot are always possible, and Undabot shall make every reasonable effort to minimize any risks that may arise.

In any case, Undabot shall persevere in efforts to make its personal data protection system as secure as possible.

5. Retention and disposal of personal data

We will retain your personal data as needed to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected. We will retain and use your personal data as necessary to comply with our business requirements, legal obligations, resolve disputes, protect our assets, and enforce our rights and agreements.

We will not retain personal data in identifiable form when the purpose(s) for which the personal data was collected have been achieved and there is no legal or business need to retain such personal data. Thereafter, the data will either be destroyed, deleted, anonymized, and/or removed from our systems.

6. Final provisions

If, despite the contents of this privacy and personal data protection statement, certain items remain unclear, or if you feel that certain details are not explained thoroughly enough, feel free to contact us with your reasonable queries.

We shall, in accordance with our objective possibilities, try to respond to all reasonable queries and in cooperation with our technical services always try to provide you with all reasonably available information in order to keep you well informed.

Under applicable law, we are obliged to inform you that you have the right to file a complaint regarding the processing of your personal data to Undabot as well as to the Croatian Personal Data Protection Agency. At your request, Undabot shall inform you on how your personal data are being processed. If your personal data are inaccurate, such inaccuracies will be corrected upon your request. In this case, as well as in other cases provided for by the applicable regulations, you may request restriction of processing. Also, under certain conditions, you have the right to request and transfer your data to another controller.

Provided you have legal grounds for your request, we shall examine all your queries and make every effort to respond, if possible, within 30 days.

The response dynamics depends on the nature of your query and, in general, on the quantity and nature of other possible queries.

In exceptional situations, Undabot shall refuse to respond to your query.

7. Contact us

For any questions, complaints or other requests regarding the processing of your personal data, please contact us via the following email address:



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